0cbe4b84c506e1c7986827f5a8079fea What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone
What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone

What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone


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 What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone

What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone
What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) and How Does It Increase? Here Are Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone

The happiness hormone, or endorphin, as it is known, is among the subjects that we need the most in our daily life and accordingly the most researched subjects. So how does the hormone of happiness (endorphin) increase, what does it do? What is the hormone of happiness? Here is the hormone of happiness. important information that will make your life easier…"

known in Turkish Hormone of happiness, serotonin and endorphins are also known as This hormone help us to get our sleep, from the proper functioning of our digestive system in our body.foodIt allows us to perform many important tasks, from eating to maintaining our emotional balance. So how does this affect our daily life? What is the happiness hormone? what does it do, how to increase it? Here are the curious ones…

What is the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin)?

Happiness hormone (endorphin), also known among people as the happiness hormone, is the hormone that makes people feel good endorphins and is formed by the secretion of the happiness hormone to have a smile on the face of the individual.

Happiness hormone is the name given to the hormones that have a peptic structure that creates an opiate-like effect in the human body. Endorphin hormone is synthesized and secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland in the brain. The secretion of the hormone endorphin creates almost the same effects as morphine in humans.

What Does the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) Do?

Happiness hormone has the feature of being a hormone that increases in the human body especially at certain hours. With the secretion of endorphins, goodness begins to appear in the human body. The happiness hormone, which makes individuals feel much better, has an effect that increases people's enjoyment of life.

What Causes Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) Deficiency?

In cases where the happiness hormone is not secreted, people feel worse and live an unhappy life. The happiness hormone is also an effective hormone for the healing of pain in the human body due to various reasons.

The secretion of endorphins, in other words, the hormone of happiness, is also extremely effective in increasing the enjoyment of life.

Since the secretion of the happiness hormone in the body will make a person happier, it is of great importance for individuals to engage in activities that release endorphins.

One of the most effective aspects of endorphins is the moment of birth of women. Because the happiness hormone secreted by the body acts as a natural drug at the time of birth. In this way, women have the opportunity to give birth more easily.

How Does the Happiness Hormone (Endorphin) Increase?

The secretion of the hormone endorphin occurs much more especially in the evening hours. From 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., the brain secretes more happiness hormones.

The endorphin hormone can also increase if the brain exerts any effort. The secretion of the happiness hormone occurs at a very high level in sports activities that work both the brain and the body, and in activities that are beneficial for health such as running and swimming.

Since endorphin is a hormone secreted at night, it is very important to pay attention to sleep patterns. The most important reason for this is that the endorphin hormone is secreted better during sleep. This is an extremely important indicator that individuals should be asleep between 11 and 3 am.

Foods That Increase Happiness Hormone

One of the factors that increase the secretion of the happiness hormone is the consumption of spices. The actual consumption of spices creates an effect that increases the secretion of endorphins in the human body. Apart from spices, there are a wide variety of foods that increase the secretion of endorphins. It is known that foods such as chocolate, banana, ice cream, and grapes are important for the increase of happiness hormone. However, as with everything else, excessive use of these foods should be avoided.

Chestnut is one of the things that many people miss about winter. Imagine that the much-loved chestnut combined with a brownie? Here is the chestnut brownie recipe that will enchant its smell and cheer up the palate with its taste…

Materials for its construction

250 g chestnuts

180 g butter at room temperature

150 g brown sugar

2 eggs

1 large glass of hot water

50 g cocoa

300 g a

2 tablespoons of granulated coffee

1 teaspoon of baking powder

half a teaspoon of salt

For the above;

200 g milk chocolate

mint leaves

The used products;

Arçelik Built-in Cooker

Arçelik Multi Chef Kitchen Machine

Arcelik Built-in Oven

Arçelik Telve Turkish Coffee Machine

Chestnut Brownie Recipe How to make it?

Boil the chestnuts in a deep pot on the Arçelik Built-in Cooker until they are soft.

Peel the skins of the boiled chestnuts.

Take a deep bowl and crush the chestnuts with a fork.

Mix cocoa and coffee thoroughly in 1 glass of hot water.

dry ingredients; Take the flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl.

Beat the butter and sugar thoroughly in the Arçelik Multi Chef Kitchen Machine.

Then pour the cocoa and coffee water you mixed in the hot water.

Add the boiled and crushed chestnuts and mix them with the help of a spatula.

Finally, add the flour and dry ingredients and mix.

Grease a square baking tin well or line it with parchment paper.

Pour the dough into the mold and bake in Arçelik Built-in Oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, to prepare the chocolate sauce, break the chocolate into small pieces.

Take a large pot on the Arçelik Built-in Cooker, put some water and start boiling.

Put the chopped chocolates in a glass bowl.

To melt it in a bain-marie, place the glass container in the pot where you boiled water on the Arçelik Built-in Cooker.

Melt it by stirring constantly with the help of a spatula.

After your cake is baked, let it rest at room temperature.

After the first heat goes and cools, take it out of the container and cut it into squares.

Pour over the melted chocolate.

You can decorate it with fresh mint leaves and serve it with the delicious coffee you make in

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