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 10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks


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 10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

Body stretch marks are one of the worst nightmares of women. Factors such as eating habits, genetic factors, weight gain, and pregnancy can cause body cracks. It is necessary to treat cracks as early as possible. This is because they respond to almost any treatment if treated early. Here are 10 simple ways to treat body cracks...

10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

 10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

Vascular laser for body stretch marks, fractional laser therapy, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), etc. There are many chemical and surgical treatments. However, these treatments have risks and are often quite expensive. We will also talk about more affordable and effective treatment methods that you can apply at home.


Oil massage keeps the skin moist, which increases its elasticity and promotes rapid healing of scars. Make your moisturizer by mixing a few drops of your favorite natural oils with a carrier oil.

Massage the problem area with this oil for a few minutes. Leave the oil on the area for as long as possible. Apply this oil mixture regularly twice a day.

You can make a moisturizer by mixing almond oil or grape with coconut oil. Another blend suggestion is evening primrose, hemp seed, and lavender essential oils, as well as castor or jojoba oil.


If you want to get rid of stretch marks, another method you can apply is organic cocoa butter. Massage the cracked area with cocoa butter twice a day. You can do the same with shea butter.

10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

 10 Simple Methods for Body Stretch Marks

Both cocoa butter and shea butter are easily absorbed by the skin. It also moisturizes the skin and renews skin cells. 


Aloe vera gel promotes healing and shows noticeable results within a few days. It also soothes and moisturizes the skin. However, this remedy only works for early-stage stretch marks.

 Apply to the affected area and massage until well absorbed by your skin. Do not rinse. Apply twice a day.


Vaseline is an occlusive agent, meaning it traps moisture in the skin. Thus, it heals dry and tense skin. Apply to stretch marks and massage for 5-10 minutes. Do this every night before going to bed and see the results.


Dry brushing stimulates blood and lymph circulation. It also helps to eliminate toxins in the area more easily. Dry brushing increases the functionality of the sebaceous and sweat glands and removes dead skin cells. This gives you smooth, soft, and spotless skin.

You will need a body brush for this step. Make sure that the bristles of the brush you use are soft and natural. Gently brush the affected area with a dry brush in circular upward motions.

Continue brushing for 5-6 minutes. Take a shower and apply a good moisturizer. Repeat this every day before taking a bath.


The enzymes in the egg white increase the elasticity of the skin and thus cause the stretch marks to disappear over time. You will need 1-2 egg whites and a pastry brush for this step.

Lightly whisk the egg whites and apply with a brush to the affected areas. Let it dry. Rinse with cold water and moisturize.

Add a few drops of coconut oil or almond oil to the egg white for more effective results. Apply daily for best results.


The caffeine in coffee beans can easily penetrate your skin and stimulate circulation and rejuvenate skin cells.


Apple cider vinegar is pretty good when it comes to healing scars and blemishes. It works on stretch marks and lightens them.

Pour 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 cup of water into a spray bottle. Spray on stretch marks, do not rinse overnight. Shower in the morning and then apply a good moisturizer. Repeat this every night before going to bed.

Note: If you have sensitive skin, add a glass of water to a glass of apple cider vinegar. 

Baking Powder and Lemon 

Baking soda is known as a natural skin cleanser. It removes damaged and dead skin cells. Likewise, lemon juice has stretch marks removal properties.

Mix 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of baking soda until you get a paste-like consistency. If the consistency of the mixture is not what you want, you can add lemon juice or baking soda as needed.

Apply the mask to the cracks and leave it for about 15 minutes, then massage it off. Then rinse with water. You can apply this process 3-4 times a week.

What is Sulfate-Free Shampoo (SLS) and What Does It Do? Here are the Sulfate-Free Shampoo Benefits

Sulfate-free shampoo (SLS) has been on the tongue of everyone who cares about hair health lately. Especially the chemicals in shampoos can cause unexpected problems in your hair in the short term or later in life. So what is sulfate-free shampoo (SLS) and what does it do? Here are the benefits of sulfate-free shampoo and the curious ones…

Sulfate-free shampoos are starting to become seriously popular. In the meantime, the benefits and benefits of sulfate-free shampoo have started to be investigated. In many beauty care stores, you will find the sulfate-free hair care section expanding. So what is this sulfate-free shampoo, what does it do? Here are the curiosities and the benefits of sulfate-free shampoo…


So what is SLS in shampoo? Simply put, sulfates are ingredients that turn shampoos into a lather. However, in doing so, they damage the hair, and sulfate does not add nutrients to your hair at all. In other words, sulfate-free shampoos are shampoos that do not contain SLS and do not contain this component.

which does not foam too much, but does not harm your hair.


Here are the benefits of shampoos that do not contain SLS, i.e. sulfates, for hair and skin…

Hair regains its natural oil 

As described above, sulfates are a common ingredient in various shampoos and bubble baths. 

As well as being effective in removing dirt from your hair, sulfates can also destroy essential natural oils from your hair. One of the benefits of using sulfate-free shampoo is that your strands don't lose their natural, healthy shine.

Does not lose hair color 

Unfortunately, sulfates can damage many different types of hair. If you have color-treated hair, you may notice that your color looks faded and lifeless after using sulfate shampoo.

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