0cbe4b84c506e1c7986827f5a8079fea Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?
Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?

Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?


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 Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?

Can high-heeled shoes, which are indispensable for women, cause health problems? Are high heels however risky as they seem to be sharp?  Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Specialist Prof. Dr. Turan Uslu tells...

Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?
Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?

Many women like to wear high heels. Nonetheless, there are numerous medical conditions brought about by high heels.

Wearing high heels can cause transitory muscle strain and the time long-lasting harm. High-heeled shoes worn every day are a common cause of lower back problems. In addition to the spine, the natural posture of the knee, hips, and shoulders can also be disrupted by high-heeled shoes. The biggest damage to high-heeled shoes is to the foot and ankle joints and soft tissues.

The higher the heel of the shoe, the more pressure it puts on the forefoot, this pressure causes severe bruising and muscle fatigue.

Women who often wear high heels place their legs in a bent position with increased pressure on the front of the foot, then the lower body tends to move forward to maintain balance while the upper body leans back, this is not a normal situation.

In this position, pressure is applied to the inside of the knee, leading to osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease.

If high-heeled shoes are used for a long time, the calf muscles become permanently shortened and stiff.

As a result, as you get older and or want to wear normal heels, you will feel that these muscles cannot stretch easily and cause a lot of pain in the hips, knees, and ankles.

Likewise, these types of shoes also shorten and stiffen the Achilles tendon, and the tendon in this condition sometimes becomes inflamed, a condition called tendinitis.

When you walk like a model, the last thing that comes to mind is that high heels put pressure on the glutes because the feet cannot force the body forward due to the high heels, which puts an extra strain on the muscles around the hips.

Things to consider when buying shoes 

Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?
Are High-Heeled Shoes Harmful?

When buying shoes, it is necessary to wear both shoes and walk a little, many people have one foot that may be larger than the other, so always buy shoes in which the bigfoot feels comfortable.

Buy shoes that you are sure are comfortable on your feet when you try them on.

Do not buy shoes with very narrow box-toes, your toes will swell and calluses.

Try to limit the use of heels, only wear them for special occasions.

Consider these dangers when using high heels.

High heels enhance your look and make your legs look slimmer and longer. For this reason alone, many women wear high heels for hours. These types of shoes have many drawbacks besides pain.

One in ten women who wore high heels at least three days a week reported falling while wearing these shoes.

High heels are one of the main factors that cause problems with women's feet. One-third of these women experience long-term permanent problems. Therefore, if high-heeled shoes are used for a long time, they cause permanent low back pain as they increase the waist cupping.

Negative effects of high heels 

foot and ankle Under normal conditions, the foot and ankle work like a spring anatomically to reduce the impact from heavy loads and to be a support for the bones. If high-heeled shoes are worn, the entire load of the body will be placed on the small and fragile front of the foot and the bones of the toes. One study showed that up to 10cm stiletto heels (thin and pointed at the bottom) can add up to 30 percent additional load to the forefoot.

Not only that, your stride becomes unsteady because high heels force your feet to walk with shorter strides.

This walking technique, called staccato, if continued for a long time, damages the bones and nerves of the foot.

Effects of high heels on ankles and calves 

High heels force the ankles to lean forward, which can limit blood flow to the lower extremities. 

High heels shorten and stiffen the Achilles tendon and calf muscle. The Achilles tendon muscle is the muscle at the back of the calf that supports heel movement. This can make walking difficult.

In addition, the use of high-heeled shoes can cause chronic tension in the ankle and calf, and even shorten the calf veins. Those who wear high heels for a long time feel pain in their calves even when they do not wear high heels.

Knee problems caused by high heels 

The knee is the largest joint in the body and is a very durable joint. Still, wearing high heels, in the long run, can often also impair the knee joint and increase the risk of osteoarthritis.

hip pain 

Waist cupping increases when wearing high-heeled shoes. The hip muscles protrude.

This look may make you look more attractive, but it will cause the hip muscles to be pushed outward more and more, thus causing hip pain.


To have the option to stroll in style while wearing high heels, you need assistance from the bone that continues to shake unnaturally. This pressure movement causes the lower back muscles to work more than normal, causing pain in the lower back. Furthermore, the expanded lumbar measuring limits the nerve channels and makes the nerves be packed.

To avoid future back pain problems due to mistakes when wearing high heels, there are some things to consider.

Do not use these shoes for too long. Keep a normal shoe in your bag when you have to use it. As soon as the situation where you need to look like this disappears, put on your normal shoes.

Remember, your feet need rest too. If you wear high heels all day. wear flat heels or comfortable sandals the next day, or hide your high heels and don't go out for a few hours.

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